High quality supplements, safe and secure

Made in Japan to everyone around the world

  アキバコラーゲンいちご/AKIBA COLLAGEN
  Support your skin by continuing daily!
  Proteoglycan, a beauty ingredient that gives skin firmness and is attracting worldwide attention.
  Collagen is supported by three beauty ingredients such as Elastin,which enhances the elasticity of the skin, and Ceramide,which supports the moisturization of the skin.
  Experience the difference in effect with "Amao Strawberry" flavor.
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  A healthy body that boosts immunity and overcomes viruses!
  The raw material is fucoidan made from 100% Okinawan mozuku.
  In addition, we use selected natural materials such as Ganoderma lucidum,
  Himematsutake,and lactic acid bacteria to strengthen cells and create a healthy and strong body.
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Click here to download(PDF file 2.7Mb)

  アキバスリムファースト/AKIBA SLIM FIRST
  Improves the intestinal environment, refreshes abdominal fat, and diets healthy.
  This product has a reputation for being effective in relieving constipation.
  We support your morning toilet habits.
  The main components are lactose, oligosaccharides,lactic acid bacteria,bifidobacteria,Only natural things such as plant enzymes.
  They help the intestinal environment,so the good bacteria will be healthy and active in the intestines!
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Bell Valley Japanベルバレー株式会社